1. Read more: Friendliest airlines for flying with a longboard 
    Surfboards loaded on the car

    Friendliest airlines for flying with a longboard 

    Every surfer is a traveler. We are wave chasers, and we love to explore different peaks. But! Traveling with your longboard can be challenging due to various reasons. What airlines allow you to bring your longboard, and how much do they charge? Here’s everything you need to know, including the friendliest airlines for longboarders.
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  2. Read more: Hawaii longboarding spots: A local guide of where to surf
    Womand walking cross-step on longboard

    Hawaii longboarding spots: A local guide of where to surf

    Aloha! The best places to longboard are on O’ahu’s South and North Shore. Depending on the time of year, both sides of the island can break perfectly for longboarders. The notorious Hawai’i longboarding spots include Waikiki and Bowls on the South Shore and Chuns Reef or Puaena on the North Shore. Long, smooth, open waves ranging from knee to overhead or more…
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  3. Read more: Yoga for surfers. A sequence that will make your surf that way better.
    yogi in reversed plank position

    Yoga for surfers. A sequence that will make your surf that way better.

    Every surfer is an athlete who needs to take care of the body & mind. We are passionate about surfing and everything connected to a healthy, strong, and flexible body. We collaborated with @gradualmovement and created this Yoga Sequence of poses to improve surfing movements and relieve tension and stress. 

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